Uterine Cancer Awareness Is Now! No matter what age we are, it is important to get any bleeding or periods pattern changes, checked.

Uterine Cancer Age

At what age does uterine cancer most frequently occur?

In Uterine Cancer: Fast Facts the International Gynecological Cancer Society [IGCS] note:

  • “Uterine cancer most frequently occurs in women over the age of 45, though it can affect younger women”.

Uterine Cancer Awareness Is Now!

Uterine Cancer

What is uterine cancer?

Depending on the Source the definition of uterine cancer may vary. In Uterine Cancer: Types of Uterine Cancer the IGCS’s definition is:

“Uterine cancer is a disease in which cancer cells form in the tissues of the uterus, also known as the womb.

There are two primary types of uterine cancer:

  • Endometrial cancer, which is the most common form of uterine cancer. Endometrial cancer begins in the inner lining of the womb, known as the endometrium
  • Uterine sarcoma forms in the muscles and supporting tissues of the uterus. It is rare in comparison to other uterine cancers”.

Uterine Cancer Risk Factors

What are uterine cancer risk factors?

In Uterine Cancer Awareness the IGCS explain:

Uterine Cancer Awareness Is Now!


Is there an association between menopause and uterine cancer?

In Uterine Cancer: Uterine Cancer Basics – Types the [United States] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note:

Uterine Cancer Awareness Is Now!“All women are at risk for uterine cancer as long as they have a uterus, and the risk increases with age. Most uterine cancers are found in women who are going through or who have gone through menopause—the time of life when your menstrual periods stop”.

In Womb (Uterus) Cancer: Causes – Who Is More Likely To Get Womb Cancer the (United Kingdom) NHS elaborate on:

“Womb cancer is most common in women who’ve been through menopause. It can affect anyone with a womb.

You cannot get womb cancer if you’ve had surgery to remove your womb (hysterectomy)”.

Postmenopausal Bleeding

Is postmenopausal bleeding or bleeding after menopause, normal?

No, no, no. In Postmenopausal Bleeding the (United Kingdom) NHS elaborate on:

“See a GP if:

You have postmenopausal bleeding, even if:

  • It’s only happened once
  • There’s only a small amount of blood, spotting, or pink or brown discharge
  • You do not have any other symptoms
  • You’re not sure if it’s blood”.

Who is a GP?

Depending on the Source and/or Depending on the Country, a GP may be a qualified and registered general practitioner, a medical practitioner, a medical doctor or a doctor.

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Last Updated: 16 February 2024 – Last Revised: 16 February 2024