Menopause and Medical Cannabis explains how more research studies are required to establish the effectiveness and safety of medical cannabis to alleviate menopause-related symptoms.

Menopause-Related Symptoms

Have studies examined the safety and efficacy of medical cannabis (MC) to alleviate menopause-related symptoms?

In More Women Turning to Medical Cannabis for Relief of Menopause Symptoms, published 03 August 2022, the North American Menopause Society note:

“Several observational studies previously demonstrated that medical cannabis use is associated with various clinical benefits, including improvements on measures of anxiety, mood, sleep, and pain, as well as cognitive improvement after treatment. But no studies to date have examined the safety and efficacy of medical cannabis to alleviate menopause-related symptoms”.

Perimenopause and Postmenopause

Did A Survey of Medical Cannabis Use During Perimenopause and Postmenopause, published 02 August 2022, examine the safety and efficacy of MC to alleviate menopause-related symptoms?

The Conclusion of the authors of A Survey of Medical Cannabis Use During Perimenopause and Postmenopause: Conclusion, with 258 participants, was:

“Results suggest that many individuals are currently using MC as an adjunctive treatment for menopause-related symptoms, particularly sleep disturbance and mood/anxiety. Future research should examine the impact of different MC use characteristics (e.g., cannabinoid profiles) on the efficacy of MC use for menopause-related symptoms. Increased severity and prevalence of mood and anxiety symptoms in perimenopausal participants suggest promising targets for clinical trials of cannabinoid-based therapies”.

July 2024 Study

What did the Women’s Perceptions and Experiences With Cannabis Use In Menopause: A Qualitative Study, published 09 July 2024, include in their Results?

The Results of the authors of Women’s Perceptions and Experiences With Cannabis Use In Menopause: A Qualitative Study, with 12 participants, included:

Menopause and Medical Cannabis“Women self-managed their cannabis use, learning from their own experiences or the anecdotal sharing of others’, accessed cannabis from a variety of medical and nonmedical sources, and relied on experimentation, and a range of supports were described”.

Healthcare Provider

What should be noted about the use of MC to relieve the symptoms of menopause?

In Cannabis May Offer Relief From Menopause Symptoms: More Research Is Needed To Understand Cannabis Use for Menopausal Symptoms the Open Access Government elaborate on:

“Although some research studies have been done to understand the uses of cannabis in women to relieve the symptoms of menopause, more research needs to be done on the effectiveness of CBD products for menopause relief”.

On page two in More Women Turning To Medical Cannabis for Relief of Menopause Symptoms the NAMS note:

““Given the lack of clinical trial data on the efficacy and safety of medical cannabis for management of menopause symptoms, more research is needed before this treatment can be recommended in clinical practice. Healthcare professionals should query their patients about the use of medical cannabis for menopause symptoms and provide evidence-based recommendations for symptom management,” says Dr. Stephanie Faubion, NAMS medical director”.

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Last Updated: 25 July 2024 – Last Revised: 25 July 2024