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Menopause Evidence-Based Information
This evidence-based information by International Sources can be discussed with your health care provider so you feel confident you are doing what is right for you.
#Menopause #WomensHealth #Midlife #HormoneTherapy
This weekend, I am attending the Menopause Society Annual Meeting. Why do women have #irregularbleeding or #heavybleeding during #menopause? Find out from #menopauseexpert and past president of the @MenopauseOrg, Dr. James H. Liu:
If you suffer from Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, you may have:
•reported thoughts of suicide
•planned a suicide attempt
•made a suicide attempt.
As a patient-led organization, we get how awful PMDD can be.💙 #suicideprevention
Details of two new courses that will form part of the UK’s first menopause education and support programme have been published by UCL researchers including @ProfJoyceHarper, Dr Shema Tariq @savoy__truffle & @drnickykeay @UCL_IfWH @UCLGlobalHealth @DoM_UCL