World Heart Day 2024 is 29 September! Menopausal? Have you asked your health care provider about your risk for heart disease?

World Heart Day 2024

What is World Heart Day on 29 September 2024?

In About World Heart Day: Our Goal Is To Stop the World’s Biggest Killer the World Heart Federation (WHF) elaborate on:

Meno Martha, Menopause and Your Heart “Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the world’s number one killer. Combined, conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels – such as heart attack, stroke and heart failure – kill more than 20.5 million every year. The majority of these deaths happen in low- and middle-income countries.

We want to bring this number down – way down. And there’s hope: 80% of premature deaths from CVD are preventable. By making small changes to our lifestyle – what we eat and drink, how much we exercise, and how we manage stress – we can better manage our heart health and beat CVD”.

Cardiovascular Disease

What is CVD?

Depending on the Source the definition of CVD may vary. In What Is Cardiovascular Disease? the WHF definition is:

“Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a class of diseases that affect the heart or blood vessels (veins and arteries). It can be caused by a combination of socio-economic, behavioural, and environmental risk factors, including high blood pressure, unhealthy diet, high cholesterol, diabetes, air pollution, obesity, tobacco use, kidney disease, physical inactivity, harmful use of alcohol and stress. Family history, ethnic background, sex, and age can also affect a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease”.


Is CVD the leading cause of death in women?

Yes. In Women & CVD the WHF note:

Meno Martha, Menopause and Your Heart“Cardiovascular disease is responsible for 35% of deaths in women each year – more than all cancers combined. It can affect women of any age. Yet, CVD in women continues to be seriously understudied, under-recognised, under-diagnosed and under-treated. This is primarily the result of various misconceptions, including the widespread view that cardiovascular disease affects men more than it does women”.


Is there an association between heart disease and menopause?

In What Is Menopause? The Menopause Transition: Heart Health the (Australian) Jean Hailes for Women’s Health (JH) elaborate on:

“Before menopause, women have a lower risk of heart disease than men. However, as women age and their oestrogen levels fall, their risk of cardiovascular disease increases. Heart disease is one of the leading cause of death for Australian women. Heart disease also claims three times as many lives as breast cancer.

After menopause, risk factors for heart disease increase. These include:

  • Meno Martha, Menopause and Your HeartHigh blood pressure
  • An increase in total cholesterol
  • An increase in LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol)
  • A decrease in HDL (‘good’ cholesterol)
  • An increase in blood fats, such as triglycerides.

You can reduce the risk of heart disease by having a healthy lifestyle”.

Heart Health

What can women do to lower their chances of getting heart disease?

In Lower Your Risk for the Number 1 Killer of Women: What You Can Do for Heart Health the (United States) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explain:

“To lower your chances of getting heart disease, it’s important to:

  • Manage your stress levels
  • Know your blood pressure
  • Check for diabetes
  • Know your cholesterol status
  • Quit smoking
  • Be physically active
  • Choose healthy foods and drinks
  • Limit how much alcohol you drink”.

Healthcare Provider

What numbers do we all need to know?

In Know Your Numbers They Could Just Save Your Life, the (United States) Go Red for Women elaborate on:

“You can’t manage what you don’t measure, which is why knowing your risk is critical to preventing cardiovascular disease. And knowing your risk starts with knowing your numbers.

Talk to your healthcare provider today to learn about your Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Blood Sugar and BMI (Body Mass Index). Your heart depends on it”.

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Last Updated: 29 September 2024 – Last Revised: 29 September 2024