“Start by learning important heart health terms,
numbers you should know,
and questions to ask your healthcare provider”.1


What may the Healthy Heart Umbrella include?

Depending on the Source (DotS) this Umbrella may include:

  • Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
  • Healthy Heart
  • Heart Disease Prevention
  • Heart Healthy Diet/Eating
  • Heart Healthy Lifestyle

Risk Factors

Is there an association between risk factors and a healthy heart?

In Listen To Your Heart: Women and Heart Disease – Tips for Living A Heart-Healthy Lifestyle the (United States) National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) elaborate on:

“There are many things you can do to protect your heart! Start by learning important heart health terms, numbers you should know, and questions to ask your healthcare provider. Living a heart-healthy lifestyle can protect your heart at any age. Take one goal, or risk factor, at a time then address it by taking small steps. Involve friends and family to make your new activities more enjoyable. The bonus —you get to be accountable to someone who cares about you!”2

Know Your Numbers

What numbers do I need to know for a healthy heart?

In Know Your Numbers They Could Just Save Your Life Go Red for Women elaborate on:

“Talk to your healthcare provider today to learn about your Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Blood Sugar and BMI (Body Mass Index). Your heart depends on it”.3

Health Care Provider

What if I would like help with a healthy heart?

If you would like help with a healthy heart, it may be in your best interest to choose to talk to your health care provider about this. Together you can discuss your options and if required, agree on who may be the most appropriate health care provider to help you.

Health Topics A-Z

Where may I find Health Topics A-Z related to Healthy Heart?

In Health Topics A-Z you may find:


Where may I find Links related to Healthy Heart?

Your Country may have Links similar to:


Where may I find the Sources quoted?

You may find the Sources quoted at:


  1. Listen To Your Heart: Women and Heart Disease – Tips for Living A Heart-Healthy Lifestyle. Last Updated 11 April 2024. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/education/heart-truth/listen-to-your-heart Accessed: 18 May 2024
  2. Listen To Your Heart: Women and Heart Disease – Tips for Living A Heart-Healthy Lifestyle. Last Updated 11 April 2024. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/education/heart-truth/listen-to-your-heart Accessed: 18 May 2024
  3. Know Your Numbers They Could Just Save Your Life. Go Red for Women https://www.goredforwomen.org/en/know-your-risk/know-your-numbers Accessed: 18 May 2024
Topic Last Updated: 26 July 2024 – Topic Last Reviewed: 18 May 2024

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