Vaginal Atrophy, Lubricants, Moisturizers, Oestrogen, More showcases evidence-based information by Menopause Societies and International Sources.
Common or Not
How common is vaginal atrophy?
In Vaginal Atrophy: What Is Vaginal Atrophy? the (Australian) Jean Hailes for Women’s Health (JH) explain:

“Vaginal atrophy is the thinning of your vaginal lining and vulval skin, caused by a drop in oestrogen levels around the time of menopause. Vaginal atrophy affects about 40% of postmenopausal women – and the risk increases with age.”
Vaginal Atrophy Treatment Options
What are some vaginal atrophy treatment options?
In Vaginal Dryness: Treatment Options the Menopause Society elaborate on:
- “Nonhormone Remedies
- Vaginal Lubricants…
- Vaginal Moisturizers…
- Regular Sexual Stimulation…
- Expanding Your Views of Sexual Pleasure…
- Vaginal Dilators…
- Pelvic Floor Exercises…
- Vaginal Hormone Therapy…
- An effective and safe treatment, low-dose vaginal estrogen…
- FDA-approved low-dose vaginal estrogen products…
- Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA; Prasterone)…
- Low-dose vaginal estrogen or DHEA may be options for…”.
Different Differences
Can different Countries have different brands for the treatment of vaginal atrophy?
Yes, so talk to your health care provider about your Country’s brands of vaginal lubricants, vaginal moisturizes, vaginal estrogen, systemic hormone therapies and more, that may be suitable for your vaginal symptoms.
Vaginal Lubricants
What are some vaginal lubricants?
In Vaginal Atrophy: Diagnosis & Treatment – Treatment the (United States) Mayo Clinic include:
- “Water-based lubricants. These lubricants (Astroglide, K-Y Jelly, Sliquid, others) are applied just before sexual activity and can reduce discomfort during intercourse. Choose products that don’t contain glycerin or warming properties because women who are sensitive to these substances may experience irritation. Avoid petroleum jelly or other petroleum-based products for lubrication if you’re also using condoms, because petroleum can break down latex condoms on contact”.
In Vulvovaginal Atrophy the European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) note:
“Non-Hormonal Options Include
Vaginal Lubricants
- May be water, silicone, hyaluronic acid or oil based
- Are usually used prior to intercourse
- Provide temporary relief of symptoms
- Can be used alone or with systemic or topical menopausal hormone therapy”.
Vaginal Moisturizers
What are some vaginal moisturizers?
In Vaginal Atrophy: Diagnosis & Treatment – Treatment the Mayo Clinic explain:
- “Vaginal moisturizers. Try a vaginal moisturizer (K-Y Liquibeads, Replens, Sliquid, others) to restore some moisture to your vaginal area. You may have to apply the moisturizer every few days. The effects of a moisturizer generally last a bit longer than those of a lubricant”.
In Vulvovaginal Atrophy the EMAS note:
“Non-Hormonal Options Include
Vaginal Moisturizers
- May contain a bioadhesive polycarbophil-based polymer
- Are usually used on a regular basis, typically two or three times per week
- Can be effective for mild symptoms
- May cause local irritation
- Can be used alone or with systemic or topical menopausal hormone therapy”.
Vaginal Oestrogen
What are some forms of vaginal oestrogen?
In Vaginal Atrophy: Diagnosis & Treatment – Treatment: Topical Estrogen the Mayo Clinic include:
“Vaginal estrogen therapy comes in a number of forms. Because they all seem to work equally well, you and your doctor can decide which one is best for you.
- “Vaginal estrogen cream (Estrace, Premarin). You insert this cream directly into your vagina with an applicator, usually at bedtime. Typically women use it daily for one to three weeks and then one to three times a week thereafter, but your doctor will let you know how much cream to use and how often to insert it
- Vaginal estrogen suppositories (Imvexxy). These low-dose estrogen suppositories are inserted about 2 inches into the vaginal canal daily for weeks. Then, the suppositories only need to be inserted twice a week
- Vaginal estrogen ring (Estring, Femring). You or your doctor inserts a soft, flexible ring into the upper part of the vagina. The ring releases a consistent dose of estrogen while in place and needs to be replaced about every three months. Many women like the convenience this offers. A different, higher dose ring is considered a systemic rather than topical treatment
- Vaginal estrogen tablet (Vagifem). You use a disposable applicator to place a vaginal estrogen tablet in your vagina. Your doctor will let you know how often to insert the tablet. You might, for instance, use it daily for the first two weeks and then twice a week thereafter”.
What is Ospemifene (Osphena)?
In Vaginal Dryness After Menopause: How To Treat It? I’m postmenopausal and often have vaginal dryness, which makes intercourse painful. Is there anything I can do about it? the Mayo Clinic explain:
- “Ospemifene (Osphena). Taken by mouth, this selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) medicine treats painful intercourse linked to the thinning of vaginal tissue. This medicine isn’t for people who have had breast cancer or who are at high risk of breast cancer”.
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
What is Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)?
In Vaginal Dryness After Menopause: How To Treat It? I’m postmenopausal and often have vaginal dryness, which makes intercourse painful. Is there anything I can do about it? the Mayo Clinic include:
- “Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). This suppository is put into the vagina nightly. It eases painful intercourse after menopause”.
Systemic Hormone Therapy
When may systemic hormone therapy be suggested for vaginal atrophy?
In Vaginal Atrophy: Diagnosis & Treatment – Treatment the Mayo Clinic explain:
“If vaginal dryness is associated with other symptoms of menopause, such as moderate or severe hot flashes, your doctor may suggest estrogen pills, patches or gel, or a higher dose estrogen ring. Estrogen taken by mouth enters your entire system. Ask your doctor to explain the risks versus the benefits of oral estrogen, and whether or not you would also need to take another hormone called progestin along with estrogen”.
Alternative Medicine
Is alternative medicine recommended to treat vaginal atrophy?
In Vaginal Atrophy: Diagnosis & Treatment – Treatment the Mayo Clinic note:
“Some alternative medicines are used to treat vaginal dryness and irritation associated with menopause, but few approaches are backed by sufficient evidence from clinical trials. Interest in complementary and alternative medicine is growing, and researchers are working to determine the benefits and risks of various alternative treatments for genitourinary syndrome of menopause”.
Sexual Activity
May regular sexual activity help vaginal atrophy?
In Vaginal Atrophy: What You Can Do the JH explain:
“Regular sexual activity (including masturbation) – to improve blood flow to your vagina, which can keep vaginal tissues elastic and flexible. Sexually active women report fewer symptoms of vaginal atrophy compared to women who don’t have regular sex”.
Can vegetable oil, olive oil or sweet almond oil, be good-quality lubricants for intercourse?
In How Do I Deal With Vaginal Atrophy? — Ask Dr Jean the author include:
- “2. For intercourse, use a good-quality lubricant. Natural lubricants include oils such as olive oil or sweet almond oil; however, if using condoms, note that these oils can cause them to break or tear”.
Can flaxseed help with vaginal atrophy?
In Vaginal Atrophy: What You Can Do the JH explain:
- “Flaxseed – some research suggests it may help with vaginal dryness. Grind the flaxseed and add two tablespoons to your cereal, salad or smoothies each day”.
Vaginal Laser Treatments
Are vaginal laser treatments safe and effective for the treatment of vaginal atrophy?
In Vaginal Atrophy: Management and Treatment – What Are Nonhormonal Treatments for Vaginal Atrophy (GSM)? Laser Treatments the (United States) Cleveland Clinic note:
“Noninvasive and nonsurgical CO2 laser treatments help regenerate vaginal tissue and improve its strength and elasticity after laser treatments. These devices aren’t yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration for vaginal atrophy because there’s limited long-term research on their use”.
Health Care Provider
What if I think I have vaginal atrophy?
In Vaginal Atrophy: Can Vaginal Atrophy Be Reversed? the JH explain:

“You cannot reverse vaginal atrophy, but you can stop it from getting worse by seeking a diagnosis and starting treatment early. Research suggests that MHT eliminates vaginal atrophy symptoms in 75% of cases, while vaginal oestrogen therapy is effective in 80% to 90% of cases. Without treatment, vaginal atrophy may get worse over time”.
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Last Updated: 29 August 2024 – Last Revised: 29 August 2024