“Menopause-related hot flashes usually follow
a consistent pattern unique to each woman,
but the pattern differs greatly from woman to woman”.1


What may the Hot Flushes Pattern Umbrella include?

Depending on the Source (DotS) this Umbrella may include:

  • Hot Flashes/Flushes Pattern

Hot Flushes

What are hot flushes?

In Symptoms of Menopause: Hot Flushes and Night Sweats the (Australian) Jean Hailes for Women’s Health (JH) explain:

“About 80% of women experience hot flushes and night sweats during menopause. They generally start in your chest area and spread to your upper chest, neck and face. They can also spread over your whole body. The flushes may feel like a burning, overheating sensation. You may also have reddening of the skin and different degrees of sweating. When a flush happens at night, it’s called a night sweat”.2

Different Differences

Are hot flushes one-size-fits-all?

In Symptoms of Menopause: Hot Flushes and Night Sweats the JH note:

Hot Flushes Pattern
“Everyone experiences hot flushes differently. For example, you might have mild, quick hot flushes every now and then, or you might have more than 20 a day”.3

Unique Pattern

Do hot flushes follow a consistent pattern, unique to each woman?

In Menopause FAQs: Hot Flashes – Q. What are hot flashes? What causes them to happen? the North American Menopause Society explain:

“A. …Menopause-related hot flashes usually follow a consistent pattern unique to each woman, but the pattern differs greatly from woman to woman”.4

Daily Pattern

Can hot flushes have a daily pattern?

In Who Gets Hot Flashes and When? the (United States) Breastcancer.org elaborate on:

“The most common time of onset is between six and eight in the morning, and between six to ten at night”.5

Look for A Pattern

Hot Flushes PatternHow can women Look for A Pattern with their hot flushes?

In Hot Flashes: What Can Trigger A Hot Flash the (United States) Cleveland Clinic elaborate on:

“A trigger is something that can set off a hot flash. There are actually a lot of things in your normal life that could trigger a hot flash. Triggers of hot flashes can include:

  • Hot weather
  • Heat
  • Smoking
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Spicy foods
  • Tight clothing
  • Stress”.6

In Managing Your Symptoms: Managing Hot Flushes and Night Sweats – Avoid Your Triggers the JH explain:

“Try to avoid things that trigger your hot flushes or make them worse.

For example:

  • Spicy foods
  • Hot drinks
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Smoking”.7


Hot Flushes PatternCan alcohol be a hot flush trigger?

In Mayo Clinic Minute: Why Alcohol and Menopause Can Be A Dangerous Mix a (United States) Mayo Clinic doctor explains:

“A lot of women have different triggers and for some alcohol may trigger their symptoms. They may naturally avoid alcohol, because they noticed that their hot flashes and night sweats get worse”.8

Health Care Provider

What if I would like help to look for a pattern with my hot flushes?

If you would like help to look for a pattern with your hot flushes, it may be in your best interest to choose to talk to your health care provider about this. Together you can identify any patterns, discuss your options and if required, agree on who may be the most appropriate health care provider to help you.

In Hot Flashes: Symptoms and Causes – When To See A Doctor the (United States) Mayo Clinic explain:

“If hot flashes affect your daily activities or nighttime sleep, consider seeing your doctor to discuss treatment options”.9

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  1. Menopause FAQs: Hot Flashes – Q. What Are Hot Flashes? North American Menopause Society https://www.menopause.org/for-women/menopause-faqs-hot-flashes Accessed: 30 May 2024
  2. Symptoms of Menopause: Hot Flushes and Night Sweats. Last updated: 21 April 2024 | Last Reviewed: 19 August 2022. Jean Hailes for Women’s Health https://www.jeanhailes.org.au/health-a-z/menopause/menopause-symptoms#hot-flushes-and-night-sweats Accessed: 30 May 2024
  3. Symptoms of Menopause: Hot Flushes and Night Sweats. Last Updated: 21 April 2024 | Last Reviewed: 19 August 2022. Jean Hailes for Women’s Health https://www.jeanhailes.org.au/health-a-z/menopause/menopause-symptoms#hot-flushes-and-night-sweats Accessed: 30 May 2024
  4. Menopause FAQs: Hot Flashes – Q. What Are Hot Flashes? North American Menopause Society https://www.menopause.org/for-women/menopause-faqs-hot-flashes Accessed: 30 May 2024
  5. Who Gets Hot Flashes and When? Last Updated: 01 February 2022. Breastcancer.org https://www.breastcancer.org/tips/menopausal/treat/hot-flashes/who Accessed: 30 May 2024
  6. Hot Flashes: What Can Trigger A Hot Flash? Last Reviewed: 21 March 2022. Cleveland Clinic https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/15223-menopause-non-hormonal-treatment–relief-for-hot-flashes Accessed: 30 May 2024
  7. Managing Your Symptoms: Managing Hot Flushes and Night Sweats – Avoid Your Triggers. Last updated: 19 December 2023 | Last Reviewed: 19 August 2022. Jean Hailes for Women’s Health https://www.jeanhailes.org.au/health-a-z/menopause/managing-your-symptoms#managing-hot-flushes-and-night-sweats Assessed: 30 May 2024
  8. Mayo Clinic Minute: Why Alcohol and Menopause Can Be A Dangerous Mix. 05 May 2023. Mayo Clinic https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-minute-why-alcohol-and-menopause-can-be-a-dangerous-mix/ Assessed: 30 May 2024
  9. Hot Flashes: Symptoms and Causes – When To See A Doctor. 12 December 2023. Mayo Clinic https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hot-flashes/symptoms-causes/syc-20352790 Assessed: 30 May 2024
Topic Last Updated: 30 May 2024 – Topic Last Reviewed: 30 May 2024

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