“The type of HRT most suited to a woman will depend on
a variety of factors, including her stage in the menopausal
process, and whether or not she has had a hysterectomy”.1


What may the Hormone Therapy Types Umbrella include?

Depending on the Source (DotS) this Umbrella may include:

  • Combined/Combination HT/HRT
  • Continuous HT
  • Continuous Oestrogen and Progestogen Combinations
  • Cyclical/Sequential HT/HRT
  • Estrogen Therapy (ET)
  • Estrogen-Progestogen Therapy (EPT)
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
  • Hormone Therapy (HT)
  • Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT)
  • Oestrogen Only HT/HRT/Therapy
  • Oestrogen and Progestogen Combination HRT
  • Progestin/Progestogen

Not One-Size-Fits-All

Is HT one-size-fits-all?

No. In HRT: Types, Doses and Regimens the (British) Women’s Health Concern (WHC) explain:

“Many types of HRT are available and there is not one type, dose or regimen which suits all women. It is important to understand which hormones are used, why and how so that for each woman who chooses to take HRT, the treatment is individualised to best suit her needs, taking into account types of symptoms, medical history, period pattern if present and current national recommendations and guidelines”.2

Different Differences

What are some HT different difference?

No. In HRT: Which HRT? the WHC explain:

“The type of HRT most suited to a woman will depend on a variety of factors, including her stage in the menopausal process, and whether or not she has had a hysterectomy. Most forms of HRT combine different amounts of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone (synthetic progesterone is called progestogen).

There are over 50 different combinations of HRT currently available. Most women will make their choice whether to take HRT, and which form of HRT to take, with the help of their doctor”.3

Uterus or No UterusHormone Therapy Benefits and Risks

Is the type of HT prescribed for women with a uterus different from the type of HT prescribed for women without a uterus?

On page one in Deciding About Hormone Therapy Use, published July 2022, the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) elaborate on:

“Hormone therapy involves taking estrogen in doses high enough to raise the level of estrogen in your blood in order to treat hot flashes and other symptoms. Because estrogen stimulates the lining of the uterus, women with a uterus need to take an additional hormone, progestogen, to protect the uterus”.4

Vaginal Dryness

What type of HT may be prescribed for women with vaginal dryness?

On page one in Deciding About Hormone Therapy Use, published July 2022, the NAMS explain:

“If you are bothered only by vaginal dryness, you can use very low doses of estrogen placed directly into the vagina. These low doses generally do not raise blood estrogen levels above postmenopause levels and do not treat hot flashes. You do not need to take a progestogen when using only low doses of estrogen in the vagina”.5

Health Care Provider

How do I find out what type of HT to use?

On page two in Deciding About Hormone Therapy Use: Hormone Therapy Options the NAMS elaborate on:

“Each woman must make her own decision about HT with the help of her healthcare professional. If you decide to take HT, the next step is to choose between the many HT options available to find the best dose and route for you. With guidance from your health care professional, you can try different forms of HT until you find the type and dose that treats your symptoms with few adverse effects”.6

In Menopause Management Options: Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) – How Long Do You Need To Take MHT? the (Australasian) Jean Hailes for Women’s Health also note:

“It can take around six months to find the right MHT. Once you’ve found an MHT that works for you, it’s important to review it with your doctor each year”.7

Health Topics A-Z

Where may I find Health Topics A-Z related to Hormone Therapy Types?

In Health Topics A-Z you may find:


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Where may I find the Sources quoted?

You may find the Sources quoted at:


  1. HRT: Which HRT? Publication Date: November 2021. Women’s Health Concern https://www.womens-health-concern.org/help-and-advice/factsheets/hrt/ Accessed: 07 June 2024
  2. HRT – Types, Doses and Regimes. Published Date: September 2021. Women’s Health Concern https://www.womens-health-concern.org/help-and-advice/factsheets/hrt-types-doses-and-regimens/ Accessed: 07 June 2024
  3. HRT: Which HRT? Publication Date: November 2021. Women’s Health Concern https://www.womens-health-concern.org/help-and-advice/factsheets/hrt/ Accessed: 07 June 2024
  4. Deciding About Hormone Therapy Use. 2022:1. North American Menopause Society https://www.menopause.org/docs/default-source/professional/menonote-deciding-about-ht-2022.pdf Accessed: 07 June 2024
  5. Deciding About Hormone Therapy Use. 2022:1. North American Menopause Society https://www.menopause.org/docs/default-source/professional/menonote-deciding-about-ht-2022.pdf Accessed: 07 June 2024
  6. Deciding About Hormone Therapy Use: Hormone Therapy Options. 2022:2. North American Menopause Society https://www.menopause.org/docs/default-source/professional/menonote-deciding-about-ht-2022.pdf Accessed: 07 June 2024
  7. Menopause Management Options: Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) – How Long Do You Need To Take MHT? Last Updated: 08 May 2024 | Last Reviewed: 19 August 2022. Jean Hailes for Women’s Health https://jeanhailes.org.au/health-a-z/menopause/menopause-management Accessed: 07 June 2024
Topic Last Updated: 07 June 2024 – Topic Last Reviewed: 07 June 2024

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