“Getting screening tests regularly may find
breast, cervical, and colorectal (colon) cancers early,
when treatment is likely to work best”.1


What may the Cancer Screening Umbrella include?

Depending on the Source (DotS) this Umbrella may include:

  • Bowel Cancer Screening
  • Breast Cancer Screening
  • Breast Screening
  • Cancer Early Detection
  • Cancer Screening
  • Cervical Cancer Screening
  • Cervical Screening
  • Colorectal (Colon) Cancer Screening
  • Screening and Early Detection


What is cancer screening?

DotS the definition of cancer screening may vary. The (United States) National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) definition is:

  • “Cancer screening is looking for cancer before a person has any symptoms”.2

Early Detection

Why is getting screening tests regularly important?

The (United States) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explain:

“Getting screening tests regularly may find breast, cervical, and colorectal (colon) cancers early, when treatment is likely to work best. Lung cancer screening is recommended for some people who are at high risk”.3

Cancer Australia note:

“Finding cancer at an early stage increases the chances of successful treatment and improved survival”.4


What are three types of cancer screening?

These may be:

  • Bowel/Colon/Colorectal Cancer Screening
  • Breast Cancer Screening/Breast Screening
  • Cervical Cancer Screening/Cervical Screening

Ovarian, Prostate and Skin Cancers

Why is there no screening for ovarian, prostate and skin cancers?

In Cancer Screening Tests: Screening for Other Kinds of Cancer the CDC elaborate on:

“Screening for ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, testicular, and thyroid cancers has not been shown to reduce deaths from those cancers. The USPSTF found too little evidence to assess the balance of benefits and harms of screening for bladder cancer and oral cancer in adults without symptoms, and of visual skin exams by a doctor to screen for skin cancer in adults”.5

What is USPSTF?

USPSTF is an abbreviation for the United States Preventative Services Task Force.

Screening Programs

Where may women find information about cancer screening or early detection programs?

Women may find information about cancer screening or early detection programs from their health care provider or their country’s equivalent of a local community health center or a national and/or state Department/Center/Institute of Aging/Cancer/Disease Control and Prevention/Health/Human Services.

Or your country may have a program similar to the (United States) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) program. In National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP): Find A Screening Program Near You – What To Know the CDC elaborate on:

Cancer Screening“CDC’s National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) provides breast and cervical cancer screenings and diagnostic services to women who have low incomes and are uninsured or underinsured”.6

Health Care Provider

What if I would like to be screened for cancer?

If you would like to be screened for cancer, it may be in your best interest to choose to talk to your health care provider about the screening tests you require.

Health Topics A-Z

Where may I find Health Topics A-Z related to Cancer Screening?

In Health Topics A-Z you may find:


Where may I find Links related to Cancer Screening?

Your Country may have Links similar to:


Where may I find the Sources quoted?

You may find the Sources quoted at:


  1. Cancer: Cancer Screening Tests – Overview. 17 October 2023. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/prevention/screening.html Accessed: 17 July 2024
  2. Cancer Screening Overview (PDQ)–Patient Version: What Is Cancer Screening? Key Facts. Updated: 20 October 2023. National Cancer Institute https://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/screening/overview/patient Accessed: 17 July 2024
  3. Cancer: Cancer Screening Tests – Overview. 17 October 2023. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/prevention/screening.html Accessed: 17 July 2024
  4. Screening. Cancer Australia https://canceraustralia.gov.au/healthy-living/screening Accessed: 07 November 2023
  5. Cancer: Cancer Screening Tests – Screening for Other Kinds of Cancer. 17 October 2023. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/prevention/screening.html Accessed: 17 July 2024
  6. National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP): Find A Screening Program Near You – What To Know. 10 January 2024. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/nbccedp/screenings.htm Accessed: 17 July 2024
Topic Last Updated: 17 July 2024 – Topic Last Reviewed: 17 July 2024

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