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What may the Menopause Society Journals Umbrella include?
Depending on the Source (DotS) this Umbrella may include:
- Climacteric
- Maturitas
- Menopause Society Journals
- Post Reproductive Health
Menopause Society Journals
What are some menopause society journals?
Some menopause journals include (in alphabetical order):
1. Climacteric
What is the International Menopause Society’s (IMS) journal?
In About the Journal: Aims and Scope the IMS elaborate on:
“Climacteric is the official journal of the International Menopause Society (IMS). As an international peer-reviewed journal it publishes original research and reviews of all aspects of aging in women”.1
2. Journal of Menopausal Medicine
What is the Korean Society of Menopause’s (KSM) Journal of Menopausal Medicine (JMM)?
In About: Aims and Scope the KSM elaborate on:
“JMM is the official journal of the Korean Society of Menopause(KSM), Asia Pacific Menopause Federation(APMF), and Japan Society for Menopause and Women’s Health (JMWH). Its specific focus includes but is not limited to research on Asian women’s mid-life health with respect to genetic, ethnic, social, and environmental differences from other areas of the world”.2
3. Journal of Mid-Life Health
What is the Indian Menopause Society’s (IMS) Journal of Mid-Life Health?
In About The Journal: Scope of the Journal the IMS elaborate on:
4. Maturitas
What is the European Menopause and Andropause Society’s (EMAS) journal?
In Maturitas An International Journal of Midlife and Beyond the EMAS explain:
“Maturitas is an international multidisciplinary peer reviewed scientific journal of midlife health and beyond publishing original research, reviews, consensus statements and guidelines. The scope encompasses all aspects of postreproductive health in both genders ranging from basic science to health and social care”.4
5. Menopause The Journal of The Menopause Society
What is The Menopause Society’s (formerly The North American Menopause Society) journal?
In Menopause The Journal of The Menopause Society The Menopause Society elaborate on:
“Menopause, published monthly, provides a forum for new research, applied basic science, and clinical guidelines on all aspects of menopause. The scope and usefulness of the journal extend beyond gynecology, encompassing many varied biomedical areas, including internal medicine, family practice, medical subspecialties such as cardiology and geriatrics, epidemiology, pathology, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and pharmacology. This forum is essential to help integrate these areas, highlight needs for future research, and enhance health care”.5
6. Post Reproductive Health Journal
What is the British Menopause Society’s (BMS) journal?
In Post Reproductive Health Journal: The Official Journal of the British Menopause Society – About the Journal the BMS elaborate on:
“As the official journal of the British Menopause Society (BMS), Post Reproductive Health has a broad scope, tackling all the issues in this field, including the current controversies surrounding postmenopausal health and an ageing and expanding female population”.6
Health Care Provider
What if I would like to find out what information in menopause society journals is applicable to me?
If you would like to find out what information in menopause society journals is applicable to you, it may be in your best interest to choose to talk to your health care provider about this.
Health Topics A-Z
Where may I find Health Topics A-Z related to Menopause Society Journals?
In Health Topics A-Z you may find:
Where may I find Links related to Menopause Society Journals?
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This Links List to third party websites is neither comprehensive nor exhaustive. Inclusion on this Links List does not imply endorsement or recommendation. Non-inclusion on this Links List does not imply non-endorsement or non-recommendation. Third party websites are not under the control of Meno Martha International Menopause Directory. Third party websites may contain explicit medical images and/or sexual references. Please read Meno Martha International Menopause Directory’s Links Policy before proceeding to a Link. Please contact Webmaster if you experience a problem with a Link.- Climacteric [International Menopause Society]
- Journal of Menopausal Medicine [Korean Society of Menopause]
- Journal of Mid-Life Health [Indian Menopause Society]
- Maturitas An International Journal of Midlife and Beyond [European Menopause and Andropause Society]
- Menopause [The Journal of The Menopause Society, formerly The North American Menopause Society]
- Menopause [The Journal of The Menopause Society, formerly The North American Menopause Society]: Video Gallery
- Post Reproductive Health Journal [British Menopause Society]
Where may I find the Sources quoted?
You may find the Sources quoted at:
- About the Journal: Aims and Scope. International Menopause Society https://www.imsociety.org/climacteric/about/ Accessed: 01 September 2024
- About: Aims and Scope. Korean Society of Menopause https://www.e-jmm.org/index.php?body=aims Accessed: 01 September 2024
- About Us: About the Journal. Indian Menopause Society https://journals.lww.com/JOMH/pages/aboutthejournal.aspx Accessed: 01 September 2024
- Maturitas Journal. European Society of Menopause and Andropause https://www.maturitas.org/ Accessed: 01 September 2024
- Menopause The Journal of the Menopause Society. The Menopause Society https://journals.lww.com/menopausejournal/pages/aboutthejournal.aspx Accessed: 01 September 2024
- Post Reproductive Health Journal: The Official Journal of the British Menopause Society – About the Journal. Website Last Reviewed: July 2024. British Menopause Society https://thebms.org.uk/publications/journal/ Accessed: 01 September 2024